Archive | November, 2011

Wood Pellets in Ct

30 Nov

Wood Pellets in CT

There is a large variety of Wood Pellets available this year in Ct. Some Good, Some Not. Wood pellets come in varying quality for a number of different reasons. The main component of quality stems from the fiber source used in the manufacturing process. The best quality wood pellets come from pellet mills that can control the fiber. Those that make hardwood flooring or mill Framing lumber such as 2 X 4 ‘s have been the most consistent as far as the best pellets. These pellets are consistently good or great year after year and and provide great heat and low ash. Some of the best brands that meet this quality are Somerset , Cubex, Turman, Anderson,Okanagan , Dragon Mountain. There are others but these are the more well known in the Connecticut area.

A gentleman right here in CT spent quite amount of time this past winter compiling testing of at least 40 brands of pellets that at some time during the year were sold in the state. His name is Jay Takeman and his results can be found at this link and also  
After reading this exhaustive study you come to the conclusion that there is a tremendous difference in pellet quality. This results in different heat output, ash content and cleaning of your pellet appliance.

As for the price of wood pellets they vary almost as much as the quality of the pellet themselves. The only drawback is some pellets with high prices are not necessarily the best quality. Many pellet brands are priced within a few dollars of each other per ton or bag. Your job as a consumer is to educate yourself and purchase the best quality wood pellet you can find at the same price or perhaps less than those of lesser quality. Do your research and purchase from a retailer that stands behind the product, is knowledgeable about the differences in quality and is going to sell your products that he/she would not be ashamed to burn in there own pellet burning appliance.

At Long Pond  we take pride in the products we sell and burn every pellet that we stock. In the past we have sold inferior product and will not step back in quality just to make a sale. As our customer we want you to be satisfied with your purchase. It is a long winter and you need to stay warm. Remember, Winter is almost here. Buy some pellets!

Empyre and Pro Series Wood Boilers by ProFab

12 Nov

The ProFab Industries line of indoor and outdoor wood boilers are setting the standard in the industry. ProFab offers the Pro Series 100, 200 and 400 outdoor boilers and the Elite 100 indoor and soon the 200.  ProFab strives to produce a quality product at a fair price. The Empyre and Pro units are simple and straight forward to operate. The burn times are up to 12- 14 hours and the ash after a winter of burning only equates to about (3) 5 gallon pails.

Pro Fab is committed to protecting the environment by continually striving to increase efficiency and reduce emissions in all of their alternative energy furnace and boiler models.

Empyre Elite 100

Empyre Elite and Pro Series wood gasifier furnaces combine high efficiency heating technology and low emission smoke free combustion with a readily accessible and renewable fuel to make wood the heating choice of the future.

Our Empyre Elite and Empyre Pro Series wood gasifier units can reach temperatures of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, both the wood and the gases released from the wood are burned. This significantly lowers emissions, prevents the buildup of creosote and reduces ash output. Wood gasification occurs in the secondary burn chamber; by utilizing this technology the ProFab models have an emissions level of .24 lb/mBTU which qualifies them for the EPA White Tag. The secondary burn chamber uses a downdraft system, allowing the water temperatures to remain constant and heat on demand.

If you’re looking to reduce your dependency on oil, propane, electric heat or looking to upgrade your non-EPA approved wood appliance see us at Long Pond – Hot Tub | Fireplace | Fence in Eastern Connecticut. Long Pond is Ct’s authorized Empyre and Pro Series Boiler dealer.