Archive | September, 2013

Wiseway Pellet Stove AKA Gravity Feed Pellet Stove

10 Sep

gravity feed stove

The Wiseway Pellet Stove is a remarkable pellet stove that requires NO ELECTRICITY!  Are you one of those people who wouldn’t purchase a pellet stove because they don’t work in a power failure? Wait no longer, The Gravity Feed stove has no moving parts and will continue to run as long as you maintain pellets in the hopper. The simplicity of the design is what really sets this apart from it competitors. At 58,000 btu’s on high this pellet stove will heat up to 1,800 to 2,000 sq. ft. Pair this stove with a ECOFAN and you will have an unbeatable combination to defeat the cold this winter.

The Wiseway Pellet stove is available locally in Eastern Connecticut at

If you are not in Eastern CT please see the website for your nearest dealer.

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